AMC transceivers/SFP
One of Cisco’s biggest money-spinners is transceivers. These tiny items can end up using a very large part of your Cisco budget, unless you find a reliable, quality alternative.
Envisage IT Broking offers that reliable, quality alternative via the AMC brand of Cisco compatible transceivers.
We brought these to the Australian market in 2005 as an alternative to the expensive Cisco units and often poor quality 3rd party offerings. Many of these 3rd party transceivers are supplied with copy Cisco software on board and identical internal serial numbers. This can cause port shutdown on a large network and all the problems associated with that. Our AMC brand of transceivers incorporate true 3rd party software on board that is engineered to be compatible with the original manufacturer’s equipment. We sell mainly Cisco compatible units but can supply transceivers for all the major IT brands.
Do not be put off by the fear, uncertainty and doubt spread by the major IT manufacturers, specify AMC brand transceivers for your network upgrade.